If I could sum up today’s WWDC keynote in one word (acronym?), it would be: UX. Apple has really delved into refining and solving UX (User eXperience) issues across their whole range of platforms. watchOS 3 particularly looks like an awesome improvement. iCloud Drive desktop + documents autosync is going to be hugely useful. iMessages: WOW! So much coolness. More to discuss in the coming days….
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As someone who bears the dubious distinction of being a “creative” (er, a person who creates? like who doesn’t?), my perspective on the iPad as a device category and the new 9.7” Pro as a specific product is going to be a little bit different from someone for whom a tablet is simply a way to check email and Facebook, or someone who likes watching Netflix while chillin’, or someone who principally does work involving numbers arrayed in a tabular formation.